We’re the concrete contractors for farm services throughout Rodney & the Kaipara.
Concrete slabs for farm buildings and feed pads. At McMassive Construction we specialise in concrete construction from start to finish.
Talk to us about concrete slab and feed pad construction for your farm or rural property. We will listen to what you need, and offer you the benefit of our experience in rural concrete work. Our concrete solutions will add value to your farm for years to come.
Looking for an easy-clean feed pad area for your stock that will last? You need an area that can withstand all the punishment that cows and tractors can dish out. If you want a feed pad surface that can go the distance, then your answer is concrete; it’s there for life. Call us on 021 582 292 to get a quality feed pad for your property.
The concrete feed pads we lay are specifically designed areas to suit your farm and your supplementary feed out system. Each feed pad will be customised to suit the existing and future requirements on your farm. We generally recommend that the feed pad surface be made from reinforced concrete and has enough slope for drainage, between 2-4° is the norm.
Our concrete knowledge and quality work means business owners, farmers, home owners and Northland builders looking for concrete services call us first.
We can dig out and prepare the site, box, pour and finish your concrete slab. We excel at workshops, cow sheds and feed pads.
Whether you’re needing a concrete slab Wellsford, Warkworth or through to Whangateau, enjoy the concrete benefits of getting McMassive Concrete on the job.
We lay concrete that lasts.
Stage One: Excavation and preparation
Before any concrete can be poured, the site needs to be prepared: cleared and/or cleaned and a sub-base fill placed and compacted.
Stage Two: Boxing and forming
Once the sub-base is prepared, the area is boxed up. We make concrete boxing from wood, metal or plastic.
Stage Three: Pouring
Wet concrete is brought to the site. We pour into the boxing and our team uses shovels and rakes to move the concrete, ensuring there are no voids or air pockets.
Stage Four: Early finishing
Once wet concrete is poured we use a large metal or wood board to screed the top of the concrete. This helps compact and consolidate the concrete, beginning the smoothing and levelling. Once the surface has been screeded, the concrete is floated using a special trowel.
Stage Five: The finish
Once trowelling is complete the final finish can be applied to the concrete. The most basic type of finish is a broom finish: a rough textured surface. Other types of finishes include stamped, textured, polished or smooth. Ask us about the various concrete finishes you can have at your place.
Stage Six: Curing
Once the finishing has been carried out, the concrete can rest and begin to cure. The curing process takes around 28 days, with the first 48 hours being the most critical. The colder the temperature, the longer it will take concrete to cure. Generally speaking, you can begin using your concrete around 3 to 4 days after pouring, and you can drive and park on your concrete 5 to 7 days after it is laid.
Stage Seven: Sealing and maintenance
Concrete is a durable product, and in terms of maintenance a good quality sealer is always a good idea. A cure and seal may be applied the same day or up to a month after the concrete is poured. Exterior concrete sealers can last anywhere from 1 to 5 years. Need some advice on sealers? Ask one of our concrete contractors.